Risk Management
for the World Economy
LAMPE & SCHWARTZE GROUP Germany's market leader for complex risks and special coverage concepts
As a rule, large-scale projects require large-scale thinking. The Lampe & Schwartze Group offers companies customised risk management services and tailor-made insurance solutions with special coverage concepts to hedge against complex risks. On a national or international level, we are here to assist you with our unparalleled expertise in regard to global companies, products and flows of goods.
More than 165 years' experience, close attention to detail, and taking joy in our service to the customer—that is what made us one of the market leaders in Germany. We assume responsibility in order to pave the way for innovation and facilitate our clients' economic success. On an international level, as a member of the UnisonSteadfast network of brokers, we are at your disposal all around the world, at any time.
The Lampe & Schwartze Group has the courage, the capacities and the know-how to keep you and your projects safe, every single day. Together, we can do this!
Our business segments
The Lampe & Schwartze Group is divided into three business segments: Underwriting, Broking and Services.
The companies that work in each of these segments provide comprehensive insurance solutions, services, and a risk management that goes far beyond the usual standards.